“From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.”
- Ephesians 4:16
Making Disciples, who make Disciples.
We want to be intentional about building discipling relationships, and so we hope to see everyone who attends our church get plugged in to a Discipling Group. These new small groups will meet together every week to study through three modules: 4-Chair Discipling, Walk Like Jesus, and Live Like Jesus.
Sign up today, and we'll find the right group for you based on things like preferred meeting day and child care needs.
Sign up today, and we'll find the right group for you based on things like preferred meeting day and child care needs.
Growing and making disciples together.
These groups of 8 to 12 people will study together the disciple making mission, model, and methods of Jesus.
Any day of the week.
With groups meeting at different times throughout the week, we'll find the right group that works with your schedule.
You pick the place.
Each group will decide on their own where to meet. The church is stepping outside of our walls and into our community.